About Sarah

A pun that says - cacao have you bean?
Cacao have you been?

Hello! I’m Sarah, a Singapore-based blogger. I like to doodle, read and make bad puns. I love learning new things; sharing them here is my way of internalising what I’ve learnt. And I also kinda-sorta-maybe enjoy writing, especially when it comes to topics that are close to my heart (or stomach): mental health and self-care, environmental sustainability, food, travel, and just… well, life. Because I think it’s more important than ever today that we fall back in love with life.

Why, you may ask? Well, as I’ve grown older, I think I’ve slowly begun to understand that everything on this earth is interconnected. I don’t just mean this in the physical sense, although it is true that we live in a precariously delicate balance with nature, which we are on the cusp of tipping beyond repair. Yet even the road to redemption on this front begins not with tools and technology, but with our thoughts. For the fact is that we cannot save what we do not love. We cannot save what we do not know how to love. So we must each discover for ourselves what this world means to us, and why it is worth fighting for, and how we can fight for it in our own way.

For me, it was reading about chocolate — from its discovery by the Olmecs of Southern Mexico to the deteriorating cacao harvests and the travails of cacao farmers today — which made me realise that humanity’s entire plight is written into my favourite chocolate bar, whose existence is nothing short of a miracle that can be purchased with the spare change in my pocket. It’s a bittersweet story, but one with lingering notes of hope.

This is my personal blog; all opinions are my own. I write about both the light-hearted and the serious, because the news is depressing enough, and I’d like to believe that not everything is doom and gloom. In fact, my wish is that you come away from this corner of the internet feeling a little happier, maybe even a little calmer. Remember:

Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.

Thich Nhat Hanh