
  • close up of a cable car
    Doodles,  Mental Health,  Personal Anecdotes,  Procreate

    The GIFs of drawing, or why I like doodling so much

    It’s been ages since my last jog and I’m twitching with restlessness. I miss the feeling of my heart rate rising to match the rhythm of my legs. The initial discomfort at the start of a run, the shortness of breath as I my lungs work to overcome inertia and set my body in motion. The sensation of flying when you’ve settled into your groove, in that fleeting moment when your back foot has pushed off the ground and your front foot has yet to land. The sweaty rush of endorphins when you reach your own finish line. At times like these it’s admittedly a little difficult to disentangle my…

  • Doodles,  Food,  Mental Health

    A weighty topic: Pineapple tarts, body image and eating what you love

    I read two articles in relatively quick succession recently that made me sad enough to want to rant about it here. If you have an aversion to sensitive snowflakes, please skip to the end to see my latest doodle. Otherwise, thanks for bearing with me while I get this out of my system. The first article was a brief, unsurprising but unwelcome reminder by The Guardian that social media triggers young people to dislike the way they look. While I didn’t look into the robustness of the study (the survey sample size seemed rather small), it was heartbreaking to hear that children as young as 12 were already having to…

  • Doodles,  Watercolour

    Happy 2023! Painting a lighthouse in a storm

    Well, well, if it isn’t 2023 already. How did you usher the New Year in? Were you in a faraway land, toasting a foreign moon reflecting off foreign rooftops? Were you in the crowds thronging Marina Bay, soaking in sweat and festive atmosphere in (hopefully) equal proportion? Were you, perhaps, like me, fast asleep in your bed, deaf to the muted bass of distant fireworks that set the edges of Singapore’s HDB blocks aglow? Whichever was the case, I’m just here to wish you a very happy new year. As you root yourself in the present moment, don’t forget to relax your brow, unclench your jaw, drop your shoulders, uncurl…

  • Doodles,  Procreate

    Rotational Symmetry is Pretty Trippy — More Adventures in Procreate

    Here’s a really quick post to pay tribute to Procreate’s incredible radial symmetry drawing assist. Activating the rotational symmetry option makes things go absolutely psychedelic by replicating whatever you draw in one quadrant across all the other quadrants. And since humans have such a preference for symmetrical things and faces — as an aside, not what you want to hear as a teenager in a co-ed school when you have a birthmark that runs across one side of your face in decidedly asymmetrical fashion — practically everything you add to the page looks interesting! The video below is a bit pixelated because my canvas size was too small, but watching…

  • Doodles

    I finally drew something on my iPad Pro

    It has come to my attention that this blog is named Sarahdoodles, yet Sarah has blogged about virtually everything except doodles. This is, of course, an unacceptable state of affairs, and something that I’m rectifying today. I’ve always felt embarrassed about sharing my drawings because I’m simultaneously proud of them yet cognisant of the fact that they’re not very good. Social media and its recommendation algorithms make comparing upwards all too easy, and there’s some seriously spectacular art on my Instagram feed that makes me feel like I’m a three-year-old wielding a Crayola in one chubby paw. Heck, the beautiful people on my Instagram feed make me feel like a…